Monday, January 26, 2015

If you aren't willing to donate twenty dollars directly to a cause you "care" about, don't fucking say that you "care" about it

In case you were wondering, I haven't been posting regularly because instead of being unemployed and sitting around my parents' house all day watching Fox News on full volume with my dad, I got a job and started working forty hours a week. All I will say is that I work for a left-leaning non-profit, and am involved in fundraising. If nothing else, this has just made me more cynical about how much my generation fucking sucks. A lot of people are totally willing to diarrhea their opinions all over Facebook/Twitter/whatever and call themselves "activists", but when it comes to giving money to the organizations that do all the work, forget it. Copying and pasting a link doesn't make you an activist. Best case scenario, it makes me like you more because maybe the link is a good/interesting read (whether or not I personally agree with it). Worst case (and the most often) scenario is that the stuff you post just confirms my assumptions that you're an idiot (but I will get to that later). The overwhelming majority of the people I talk to at work are between the ages of 18-32. This will surprise exactly no one, but the most common excuse they give me is that they can't donate because they're broke. Fucking millenials (and I love how it gives me the red underline for that word). Go to a local (or for a lot of us, not so local) public housing project and talk to a single mother supporting three kids on two minimum jobs, THEN tell me how fucking broke you are. For you, twenty bucks isn't making a choice between not eating for a couple days and keeping the heat on; it's a choice between going out to eat on a Friday night then having a few drinks somewhere and staying home. God forbid you don't go out one night this weekend!

Plus, I've got a theory that this phenomenon of "slacktivism" (hate that word too) is endemic amongst the "liberal", socioculturally "literate/conscious" (that's the sound of me puking) set. Shit, that's the whole reason the "Voices" section on HuffPo (especially the "College" and "Women" channels) exists; so you can read it, agree with it, post the link on Facebook, and pat yourself on the back for being a great fucking person.

I'd bet that conservatives would be much more willing to give money to a cause they support because most of them truly believe they are saving the USA from a godless liberal agenda. Well with all the money they're willing to give, I WONDER WHY THEY WIN SO MANY FUCKING ELECTIONS.

Wu-Tang was correct in their assertion that "Cash Rules Everything Around Me" (C.R.E.A.M). Your ultra-enlightened liberal intellectualism only goes as far as the monetary value that you're willing to place on it.

Come stand out in the freezing rain with me for eight hours, then you have my blessing to call yourself an activist. Otherwise, shut the fuck up until you actually find something that you're willing to give money to support.

Short point that I will address fully in another post;

All Americans should be required to take some sort of introductory civics/US government course in high school. If you place the blame for your grievances on Barack Obama (or any president for that matter- people blamed W when he was in office far more than people criticize Obama now), it shows that you fundamentally do not understand the US government and how it works.

EDIT: I should really proofread better. Made some grammatical corrections.

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